Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Perangi Penyusup di Wajah Kamu ( cowok )

Kamu pernah pastinya sesekali mengabaikan wajah kamu yang terlihat imut jika kamu sendiri yang melihatnya, hehehe.... Stoop!! jangan lagi!! Coba deh, bayangin bila tiba tiba cewekmu ngambek dan nggak mau lagi muncul dihadapanmu. wah wah wah,,, berabe nihh... Kamu punya wajah yang luasnya hanya sekitar 194 sentimeter persegi harus benar benar diperhatiin. Sehingga setiap sentimeter menjadi harta yang sangat berharga bagi kamu. So, segala sesuatu selain mata , hidung, mulut atau kumis harus disingkirkan dari wajah mu! (wah kejam banget!!!) Kejam sedikit tidak apa apa, yang penting wajah kita bebas dari penyusup. Yuk mari, liat and baca ulasan berikutzz...

1. Wajahmu cepet merah padam...
Ini bukan faktor psikologis semata. Tapi kulit kamu jugalah yang bermasalah. Memang nggak banyak cowok yang mengalami gejala yang namanya rosacea ini, kondisi dimana pembuluh pembuluh darah yang hiperaktif membuat muka merah pada saat saat tertentu. Jika tidak diobati, efek merah tersebut akan bertahan lama, beragam benjolan atau jerawat pun akan bermunculan di wajah cute kamu.
What should you do? Lindungi wajah mu dari sengatan sinar matahari, karena sinar ultraviolet A adalah pemicu rosacea paling utama. Kemudian untuk pertolongan pertama kata dokter Tina Wardani, Sp.Kk dari klinik Sakti Medika dan Staf pengajar FKUI menganjurkan kamu agar memilih antibiotik Eritromisin 1 %, Klindamisin Fosfat 1%, atau Oksitetrasiklin. Dan jangan mengkonsumsi wine (minuman anggur merah), menurut Manjula Jegasothy, M.D, red wine sangat mungkin menyebabkan muka seseorang menjadi merah menyala. mengapa? karena orang yang memiliki rosacea sangat sensitif terhadap tanin (zat dalam wine). Selain itu, setelah berolahraga, jaga agar temperatur tubuh terjaga. Caranya, tempelkan handuk lembab yang sejuk disekitar leher, kunyah es batu kecil atau secara berkala basuh mukamu dengan air atau handuk dingin. naaahhh,,, tu tadi tipsnya mudahkan!

2. Wajahmu, waw banjir penuh berminyak
Oh my Gosh, kaya donk kamu! kan penuh dengan kilang minyak?? ( emank minyak tanah!). Lagi lagi, hmmm ini semua ulah si hormon jahil testosteron. Dia dapat memicu terjadinya produksi sebum - zat minyak penyumbat pori pori - secara berlebihan. Bila terkena bakteri, penyumbatan ini bisa berubah menjadi benjolan merahyang mencolok yang juga tenar dengan nama Jerawat. Selain hormon, sebum juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor makanan, minuman, keturunan, cuaca, dan stres.
What should you do? Jangan keburu memakai cadar!! ( lho,, emank nya cewek ). Yang paling penting adalah mencuci muka minimal 2 kali sehari. HARUS. Setelah itu sebelum beraktivitas sebaiknya tetap gunakan tabir surya dengan bahan dsar lotion dan oil free agar produksi kilang minyak tidak semakin produktif. Pertolongan pertama gunakan Eritromisin 1% dan Kindamisin Fosfat 1%. Cucilah wajahmu yang berminyak itu dengan sabun yang lembut dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit wajah yang berbahan dasar Glycerin ( Seperti Dove, Ponds, atau Gatsby dll). hindari sabun wangi yang mengandung deodorandan antibakteri. Sabun seperti ini hanya baik untuk kulit tubuh lain bukan untuk wajah kita semua yang sensitif.
Masih berminyak juga?? Huhh, coba gosokkan obat devirat retinoid yang berfungsi membuka pori pori dan mengeluarkan kotoran sebelum benar benar tersumbat. Jangan lupa minta pada dokter kulit 0,1% RetinA krim, karena obat ini yang paling lembut. Dan untuk mencuci muka, pilih produk dengan kandungan benzoyl peroxide.

3. Hidungmu penuh "Ketombe"
Kasus yang satu ini selalu muncul di berbagai cowok belahan bumi manapun. Y,, kalau sedikit sih nggak apa apa, toh kecil nggak kelihatan. Tapi kalau sudah berupa tumpukan benjolan benjolan kecil, wahh panen donk... Eitts,, jangan keburu mencet! Ingat, tangan anda adalah sumber penyakit. Cuci wajah sampai bersih, kemudian gunakan ekstonletor komedo (alat elektronik yang khusus untuk menghisap komedo). Dengan begitu pori pori di wajahmu tidak akan terbuka lebar.

4. Ada Nova eh Noda diwajah
Haduuuhh, hancur hatiku kata Olga, ini noda darimana?? Jika muncul noda kehitaman maka yang patut disalahkan adalah si panas matahari, genetik, atau hormon. Tapi, jika yang muncul adalah noda putih, mungkin kamu terserang pitiriasis alba, suatu jenis kelainan kulit seperti sisik halus dibagian atasnya.
What should you do? Lain kali, sempatkan untuk mengoleskan tabir surya sebelum kamu beraktivitas. Kalau kamu suka menghabiskan waktu diluar ruangan, pilih tabir surya dengan kadar SPF 15-30. Tapi, kalau kamu seorang baywatch boys, selalu donk disengat matahari, maka gunakan tabir surya berkadar SPF 30-40. Lha, kalau sudah ada noda diwajah gimana?? Coba oleskan krim hidrokuinon 2% (untuk noda hitam) dan Hidrokortison 2,5% ( untuk noda putih) dan tetap pakai tabir surya berkadar SPF 20-30.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Takes Up To Peak Performance 1-5

To achieve peak performance that requires hard work and struggle. Achievement means that the peak in the career achievement, achievement in life, and as a man of social achievement. In practice they are able to maximize the potential and positive attitudes which can be up to the peak of achievement. Writing any posts under this key will provide the key to positive behavior can be developed. While some of the negative behavior should be avoided are also described. Hopes with the description below can improve morale and encourage us.

1. Try, the best way to add experience
A proverb says, only one way to avoid the error is with the inexperienced. And, only one way to get experience is to make a mistake several times. The essence of the teachings are saying - do not fear one. The more afraid we do wrong, the more likely we do wrong. Anyone have a certain error, does not care about the most subtle and most smart though. Although the smallest dust. Life is full of uncertainty. There is no life except in the exact Rejeki, mate, and doom. Beyond that, our people are encouraged to explore the meaning of this life deep inside. How? Try and keep trying. Basically, life is a series of human effort to try and keep trying. Try never despair. People you like this, do something better than one even if it did not do something. People who never do anything will never know his true or false.

2. Busy This Hal Small, lose a big opportunity
Small is beautiful but is a long winded waste of time. No effective and efficient. This is not a small thing we know will be a vicious circle is to captivate us in the coconut shell. we will not have time to take a more big things have principles, so it seems our lives running in place. Static and stagnant. Wherever such a condition clearly harmful. this is the result we do not have the principle that time is an investment. Time not just money, but time is an investment that must be maintained so that the correct growing and growing. Never assume that anything smaller just will sequester only a fraction of the time that we have. many small but small is the same with the big issues that only one. In fact, sometimes a small issue it is far more difficult. Tips to avoid problems if there is a small benefit. If not, it should be abandoned.

3. Start, early finish tasks
Start, that is the problem. Anyone ever feel sure difficult how to start something . The authors spend a day take many months to even start writing. Getting started is difficult. Like imagine how difficult it is to dig how hard the ground, but when the hoe is stick in the ground is not as anticipated. Thus we often imagine how difficult a job or something that's given to us. Everything will run easily if we respond with is. Should therefore, be avoided for what. There is no weight if we see it with light. Burdensome that it is only our minds that is too dramatisize atmosphere. Thought that we should change. We Familiarize we all look for something with as is. Not be exaggerated, the fact does not manipulate the truth.
Tips to change a nation's word KH Abdullah Gymnastiar (AA Gym) there are three: Starting from the self, start from now, and start from the most minor. In other words - Start - that is key. The key is we have to closely closely hold wherever we go .

4. Hands in The Pockets, it is impossible for people to go up the stairs
Hands in the pockets, There may be people can ascend the stairs. This is the classic parable that people often forget. Purpose parable is obvious, people do not achieve what will be of interest if you do not want to try. There is no business without feeling sorrow. Business requirement is to achieve absolute despair. Humans who want to improve the quality of his life he can not let himself unemployed potency offhand. Aware of the ideals ideals to create what is to optimize the human assets.

5. Risk, making you dare
Risk is the decision to move or do something because it wanted something better. Avoiding the risk means to avoid the same life better. Because that is authoritarian, useless to try to avoid the risk, so may reduce the measure. Risk make us brave. Dare to be responsible, brave bear the consequences. And of course dare to begin. Have the courage to start something new. Too be a risk to make life feel grim, dark future in view. Not have the courage to start something new, too afraid to accept the consequences of what we do. The result is fatal.
Please note, the person who does not want to accept the risk of disapproval will be against their own risk. The decline means that the risk will face the risk itself.

TO BE CONTINUED ........ ( Next post 6 - 10 )

Election Indonesia News

Activities to give check list to the name of the candidates done by the legislature after almost all of Indonesia (may not be so!). yup, legislative elections have been coloring 9th april 2009 (eits, not only 9 april, but also on 10 april, 11 april, maybe also april 12). In the previous elections only choose the party, the election at this time the perpetrators of democracy must be busy and think a hundred times (why?) because they must choose their representatives and their people. Implementation practices are different, if the media years ago does not cut the image of the party elections this time and how to choose this time by giving the check list to the name legislative candidates and party choice. Indeed, more efficient give check sign (probably, according to the organizers of the election) than perforate. In addition to only require bolpoin, later the voice of the election results will not be any difficulties in the electoral vote count. But you know, since 1955 Indonesia's first election was held, people have been with the culture perforating (waah, what will be perforated). No wonder if the election this time many people are confused how to select them.

Election time is really different, a lot of controversial arising. that often appear on television is DPT or a list of issues voters remain. Many of the protest because their names are not listed in the DPT. Moreover, the celebrities out of the DPT always be in the news of Tivi-Tivi, interviewed and bla bla bla (not begrudge lho ya). Conflict does not stop until the election here, before the election has been held many newspapers that do not feel heard ear. Just a comment and spread the religion of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. This smart People think that electoral system and democracy is not suitable with islam Syariat and he urges all the people that do not follow the five-yearly party of democracy. Hmmm, why not just from the first to protest it, Mr. Abu? why now?

There are also people who have twice opportunity to give check sign (may be three, four, five, or six times as well). What can happen so, such as cyber era is now still have not seen the deception.

There are also people who have died, the name listed in the DPT, gosh, just get suster ngesot, Kuntilanak, genderuwo, Pocong and all relatives. All are certainly blurred. he he he.

" Contreng caleg golkar, contreng caleg golkar, contreng caleg dari golkar, contreng caleg golkar. Bersama Golkar lebih cepat lebih baik "

" Hanya PDI-P yang berani menawarkan kontrak politik pada rakyat. Sembako murah, Pendidikan gratis dan Menciptakan lapangan kerja baru, Contreng nomor 28 "

" Saya Prabowo Subianto, bersam Gerindra menuju Indonesia baru "

" Partai Demokrat bersama SBY membangun Indonesia, mari kita lanjutkan "

" Mau partai yang jujur dan bersih, pilih PKS Partai Kita Semua, Pojok Kanan ataS '

" Apa sih Pojok kiri atas? pojok kiri atas ya HANURA untuk rakyat .... "

Yes it is some of the ads and the slogan that often appears on TV. I hope the turmoil that occurred in the legislative elections ago will not recur again in the upcoming presidential choice. Amen.

Apple , Forbidden Food??

The healthiest fruit, looked from the nutritious inside, apple is very rich of fibre. it will help us to stay be a normal man. But, for centuries, we depend on it to give us other advantages. here are they :
# To Win a Race
In the Greece mith, the hunter woman who named Atlanta said that she would marry with the man who can beat her in a runfast race. Many men lost and dead. Atlanta stabbed them all. But, it didn't make other men surrender. one of them was milanion. Because he didn't want to be stabbed and dead, Milanion cheated Atlanta and make her lost. he dropped three golden apples when the race held. Atlanta stopped and took up the apples and she lost.
# The Create Part of Body
All of you surely know how did Eve ( Hawa ) feed the apple to the Adam's mouth. but, many of us do not realize to what exactly was happened when adam ate that apple. Yeah, they received an eviction letter from heaven. Eve was punished with the pain while uttering. There is another faith about what happened that day was, Adam got a new part of his body. He could not swallow the apple. It was involved and formed Adam's apple.
# To Predict The Future
So for few times you have dates with her. It seems the relation is worthy enough. You love her and your friends love her, moreover your pet loves her too. But you still afraid to marry her. What will you do? Just split an apple become two parts. If the amount of seed is even, it means you'd better marry her. But if you cut the seed when you split the apple, it means a trouble.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Open a Wap site on Your Computer

Do you have a problem to open a wap site with your phone browser?? Many things you can do.
Many problems you face when you are browsing and surfing by phone browser, slow data rate ( except you have 3G phone), high cost, and your phone capabilities.
I have some tips for you to open a wap site without your phone required. Just follow my writing down here!.
1. You can try a wap browser for computer. Many software out there you can find. But I recommend winwap wap browser. Just download it here and install to your computer. Then open this awesome software, type a wap address/ URL you want to brows, and Enter. You can brows, surf, upload, download, chatting, emailing and many more. Enjoy!
2. If you don't like winwap, try Klondike wap browser. Download it and install. It is small in size and traditional.
3. I have another best and free. Diino 4.2 can help you to open wap site on your computer.
4. Or you can directly use your browser ( IE, Mozilla, Opera, Thunderbird, etc) by typing and brows your wap URL from it.

Download Wii Games

If you own a Wii, then you already know how brilliant of a machine it is! The Nintendo Wii keeps flying off the shelves and there's plenty of spectacular games that keep being created. Today we are going to let you know how you can get Nintendo Wii game downloads online and play them on your machine.

Obviously, the big draw to using Wii game downloads is that you won't have to shell out cash for each game you get. You can save a lot of money and you don't even have to leave your place whenever you are going to try a new game!

First off, we should warn you that there are some websites out there that claim to offer free Nintendo Wii downloads if you install their software. You're best to steer clear of these! We need to point out some of the dangers of these internet sites.

Most likely, you will get a virus or some sort of damaging spyware when downloading games from these sorts of sites. You will also find that nearly all of the files don't even work and the download speeds are really sluggish. It's annoying having to wait hours for a file to download only to discover the game doesn't work or it was a virus.

To deflect these dangers you will want to sign up as a member at a specialty Nintendo Wii download website. These websites are established by professional businesses and offer unlimited Wii game downloads to users.

There's more than just games available for download to members. Movies and TV shows along with other media files can be downloaded using the same membership. It's great to have everything in one place and there's loads to choose from to make sure you're always entertained!

The fee to join these sites is ordinarily around fifty dollars $50-$70. When you consider that it costs more than that to get just one game at a store, it's a fantasic money saver. You will only ever be billed the one time and can then download as many games as you want. Your membership will also include the software that is required to transfer the games onto your Nintendo Wii.

Once you start to use Wii game downloads you will save a lot of money and it's the best way to get all the latest games. One heads up though though - it's incredibly addictive!

5 Top Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation is a must if you are going to be successful in your weight loss journey. In addition to getting the right program that works for your lifestyle you have to find ways to stay motivated so you see yourself through to your realistic goal that you have set for yourself.

As a Weight Loss Consultant I teach people many different ways to stay motivated. Just as everyone is different and everyone needs to follow a weight loss plan specifically built for their personal lifestyle everyone finds motivation in different ways. I wanted to share with you my top 5 motivational weight loss tips in hopes that you too will find motivation and apply it to your weight loss plan.

Motivation Tip 1: In order to keep your focus on your desire to lose weight make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Keep it is plain site, tape it to your mirror in your bathroom and read them each morning when you wake up. If you are in your car a lot and you tend to eat fast food put a copy in your car. Tape it to your steering wheel or visor.

Motivation Tip 2: If you are looking to lose a lot of weight such as 100 pounds. Break out your calendar and set your goals. Be very realistic here. Example your current weight is 190 pounds you ultimate goal is 130. Let's say it is January 1st set your first goal of 15 pounds then realistically plan for that and give it a date. Say March 5th (this will give you 9 weeks to lose 15 pounds). Set shorter lower mile stones at first to give you momentum then spread it out a little as you go.

Motivation Tip 3: Plan a treat for yourself when you have had a great week. Make it non food related such as get a pedicure, facial, buy some make-up. Anything that will help make you feel even better about yourself and your great progress.

Motivation Tip 4: Take a picture of yourself in a swimsuit or something that will show your body better. Each month on the same date take another picture in the same outfit. Doing this will make you feel great seeing how baggy the outfits gets each month, keep the pictures close by so you can look at them. Best place it to post them on your bathroom mirror, the reason I say that is you will see them every morning and that will remind you to make the best choices you can each day.

Motivation Tip 5: Read inspirational stories of other people who have lost weight. Do read into how they did it just read about their success for what it is success. Every person is different so the plan that someone follows doesn't mean it will work for anyone. If you hire a Weight Loss Consultant (recommended) ask them to hook you up with other clients for a support group they should be more than happy to do that and the other clients would like it too.

In conclusion there are many ways to find motivation for weight loss. As a consultant I have found that these 5 tips listed above have proven to work for several clients over and over again.

Benefits of Online Learning and Education

The advances in technology have lead to the increased popularity of online education. Some people still prefer the traditional educational system. There are good and bad points about both, so what are the "fors" and "againsts" of online education? To determine whether online learning is suited to you, continue reading.

1. No geographical boundaries. A real advantage of online education is that location does not matter, you can be anywhere you choose to be and still learn online. You may choose to log on for your online lessons from home, a hotel, or your aunty's spare room and still be part of an online learning community. All you require is a modem and a laptop.

2. No rigid timetable. Another great thing about online education is that it is flexible. There are no specific times you have to commit to for your online learning. Just get learning when it's most convenient to you. You can enter chat rooms and post up comments at 3 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon if you want. If you have an important appointment or simply if you are more of a night person than a chirpy morning person, time is really not an issue when you are learning online. You can also reach your professors electronically which means the library computer, cellular or laptop will all keep you in touch with the online learning community. Online learning is really about accessibility; see how easy and convenient it can be.

3. Not so good for social butterflies. One disadvantage of online education is that the social aspect just isn't there. You may miss out on some of the fun parts you get with traditional education. You will miss the opportunity to visit with your peers before the start of class, to make friends with those who share your dorm and you won't get to celebrate graduation in a public way. You won't be known by fellow students as a real live person, but only as a character on the computer screen, known only by the words you type. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to form lifelong relationships from an online learning environment, as you are not allowing your personality to shine in that environment.

4. There is a minimum amount of pressure. Taking courses through the internet allows you so many options that sometimes it is hard to stay focused. Students feel no pressure to focus on their studies when they're learning from the comforts of their own home. With no timetable, time does not have to be set apart for learning, which can lead some students to underachieve. All of the motivation to learn stays with the student. Taking a course online means that you have to stay disciplined without the help of a set schedule, teachers or fellow students.

Educating yourself online certainly has benefits and disadvantages. If it is your only option in getting an education, then just go for it. An education is important in giving you self-esteem and more employment choices. So, in the end, it is important to get an education regardless of whether you wind up sitting in the classroom or in front of a computer at home.

Learn a New Language Tips

So, you want to learn a new language? Great! Learning a new language can be a very rewarding task and open new worlds for you. However, we should remember that learning a new language to a high level of proficiency is no easy task and requires some commitment if you want the best chance of succeeding.

To help you out right now, I want to give you two tips so that you will be successful in your endeavor to learn a new language. These two tips will hopefully prevent you from wasting precious study time when learning a new language. Lets jump right into the first tip…

Tip 1: Set aside study time everyday. When you learn a new language, it's important that you study everyday, even if for just a little bit. It is much better to study 10 minutes everyday than to study for an hour once per week. By studying everyday, the language is kept fresh in your mind and you will be less likely to forget it. Also, studying each day keeps you on track… if you study infrequently, it is likely you will forget a session or begin to lose steam in your studies of the new language. So, right now, make a pledge to yourself that you will study everyday, even if only for 5 minutes.

Tip 2: Bring fun items when you learn a new language. Using just textbooks or classes can be boring and you will soon lose motivation to learn your new language. To counter this, you should do something you enjoy in your new language. For example, buy a magazine in the new language that pertains to a hobby of yours. Or, play a video game in the new language. Or, better yet, find a new friend that speaks the language. Any of these fun things will keep your motivation up and will make you learn a new language without realizing it since you'll be too busy having fun or being interested in the item at hand.

Tip 3: Try surfing and have learning from the internet. By learning online, you can find many words to get rich your vocabulary. Beside, you can learn many language almost all over the world. You don't need a huge and heavy dictionary book when you are in online learning. You just need online dictionary. Here are some of these, you can go to;;;;;, and many more.

Tip 4: But, if you want a dictionary on your computer, you just need to download the free dictionary. Yup, it is named Star Dict. and collect all of the language inside. Just click here to download! And collect the languages here .

I hope these four tips point you in the right direction. Remember that learning a new foreign language is a task that takes a long period of time which can be frustrating but if you keep at it, you will be greatly rewarded in the end when you are fluent and can tackle any material or conversation that comes your way! Additionally, you will be surprised at the amount of fun that will come your way by taking the time to master a new foreign language.